Silke Brand

Silke Brand

Psychologist and Psychotherapist

"Forgiveness is an inner purification process"

Ms. Brand, do I have to forgive to get out of my bitterness?

No, it doesn't have to be. We can also secretly resolve our personal grudges and only forgive someone inwardly. The person in question never needs to know! With the dead parents that is no longer possible. Forgiveness is an internal cleansing process of stressful memories that only affects ourselves. Quite pragmatic. You have to actively choose not to want to remain a victim. Debittering is only possible when one has released oneself from the role of victim. If you succeed in breaking free from the victim role, then it is only a matter of time before the wound heals. Forgiveness is the healthiest way to deal with past injustice from a psychological perspective. Becoming a victim does not mean remaining a victim. It pays to break free from the role of victim. Whenever you are ready, and however long it may take.

You can find the entire interview with Silke Brand in our book:

To person

Silke Brand (born 1971) is a qualified psychologist, psychological psychotherapist, couple counselor and coach in her own practice in Cologne, For people who would like to be accompanied digitally through the process of bitterness, Silke Brand has developed an online course: “Why me? How to free yourself from bitterness and grow from experienced injustice ",


"Live carefree" (Junfermann)

Have you been wronged in your life? Are you hurt, maybe even bitter? It does not have to stay like this. Get rid of your pain from previous injuries. In this book, Silke Brand shows you how you can heal old emotional wounds step by step. The author has put together a compact 10-step program based on the latest scientific findings and proven therapy methods, which you can use easily and independently.

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